Taking care of your new tattoo…
Leave your bandage on for a mininum of 1 hour.
Leave the bandage on your tattoo for a minimum of 1 hour, and no longer than 4 hours.
After removing your bandage, wash your tattoo thoroughly with warm water.
Use a mild, unscented soap.
Wash thoroughly to remove any excess blood, ink, or plasma that may still be on the surface of the skin.
Pat dry with a clean towel.
Pat dry with a clean towel or paper towel.
Allow to dry for 10 minutes before applying aftercare product.
Apply a thin layer of aftercare product.
Massage gently into the skin.
Do not re-bandage your tattoo.
Continue to follow the aftercare until your tattoo is fully healed.
Wash your tattoo 2 times a day - more if you work in a dirty environment.
In a few days to a week, your tattoo will begin to peel and will likely be itchy.
Do not pick or scratch your tattoo. If any scabs are pulled off prematurely, it could result in ink loss.
After scabbing/flaking finishes, a light milky skin will form over the tattoo. This is merely new skin replacing the old, and nothing to worry about.
Do not bathe or swim in a pool, lake, hot tub, etc. for at least 3 weeks.
Avoid tanning and sunbathing until your tattoo is fully healed. Do not use sunblock on a healing tattoo.
After your tattoo is fully healed (usually about 3 weeks or so), please feel free to stop back in so your artist can give it a good look-over to make sure it doesn’t need a touch-up, and to get a healed picture. All touch-up work is included in your original price for up to a year, unless you want to change the tattoo in some way. If this is the case, there will likely be an additional fee, as determined by the artist.
And of course, if you have any questions or concerns during the aftercare of your tattoo, please give us a call!